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WENDY Project Earns Acclaim at Midway Mark: Successful Review Meeting Sets Stage for Next Phase

The WENDY project, an EU funded project dedicated to understanding the triggers of social acceptance for wind energy, achieved significant praise as it reached its halfway point during its first review meeting in Brussels last week.

Bringing together the project partners and representatives from the EU granting authority, the meeting served as a pivotal moment to assess progress, address challenges, and plan for the project’s successful completion. Participants engaged in productive discussions, culminating in very positive feedback from the project officer, underscoring the consortium’s dedication and progress.

I’m pleased with our project’s progress! Each partner’s commitment to task delivery is evident, and it’s reflected in our achievements. The project officer’s satisfaction is motivating, encouraging us to continue our efforts. We’re focused on maintaining this momentum and delivering meaningful outcomes as we move forward, said WENDY project manager, Jonatan Peris Rivas from CIRCE.

As the project enters its next phase, expectations are high for continued momentum and the delivery of impactful results. With the successful completion of this review meeting, attention turns to the forthcoming period, where we anticipate further advancements and valuable insights.