Articles Meet the partners

Meet the project partners: White Research

Specialising in market research, White Research is an important project partner and a driving force behind the WENDY project.

White Research is a research and consultancy firm serving a diverse of clientele from the public sector, private industry, academia, and civil society organisations. Based in Brussels and with a satellite office in Thessaloniki, White Research has a solid portfolio of 27 EU-funded projects under Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe. With extensive experience in the field, White Research possesses a wealth of research expertise and a maintains a vast network of 318 partners across Europe. Specialising in market research, White Research is working with the WENDY project to promote the uptake of wind farms.

Supporting pilot cases and local initiatives

With the dedicated team of Michail Ntovas and Anastasios Tsakas, White Research is strongly committed to the success of the WENDY project. Michail Ntovas leads White Research’s involvement in WENDY as Senior Project Manager, while Anastasios Tsakas provides critical day-to-day support as Associate Project Manager. Together they work closely with the WENDY pilot cases and champion initiatives to promote social acceptance and public participation in wind farm projects at both the pilot and EU levels.

“WENDY is a cornerstone in promoting wind energy through a comprehensive approach that fits seamlessly into the EU’s clean energy transition strategy,” says Michail Ntovas, Senior Project Manager at White Research. “Our collaboration with WENDY underscores our commitment to advancing clean energy solutions across Europe,” he continues.

Expertise in Social Sciences and Humanities

White Research’s expertise in the social sciences and humanities is crucial to driving the project forward. Through insightful research, White Research has shed light on the factors influencing the uptake of wind energy and identified key motivators and barriers through interviews with industry stakeholders and crowdsourcing surveys. At the heart of White Research’s involvement with WENDY is an unwavering commitment to realising a sustainable energy future for generations to come.

Envisioning Change in the Energy Sector

The WENDY project holds great promise for both our organisation, White Research, and the broader community. “We expect a significant expansion of our research capabilities and networking opportunities, which will further cement our position as a leading consultancy in the European landscape”, says Ntovas. In addition, the project provides a platform to showcase their expertise in the social sciences and humanities, particularly in promoting social acceptance and public participation in wind energy projects. Beyond their organisation, they envision that the WENDY project will bring about change in the energy sector and promote awareness and acceptance of wind energy solutions. “Ultimately, we want WENDY to make an important contribution to the transition to clean energy in the EU and pave the way for a sustainable and greener future,” Ntovas concludes.

Read more about White Research here.


Authors: Michail Ntovas and Anastasios Tsakas.
ed. M. Farstad